face pimples treatment at home naturally

  Face Pimples treatment at home naturally

                     it is not necessary that these tiny bumps will always remain there in forehead but they can be anywhere around ur face.
now i vil tell uh wat are tiny bumps n its causes.
tiny bumps r not pimples actually they r clogged pores means wen the pores of our skin gets closed
then clogged pores r formed n they r formed due to excess oil secretion by sebaceous glands and
now wen anything be it dead skin or pollution comes over it , it makes the pores clogged.
your skin pores can be clogged due to pollution, dust, haircare , skincare products or make up products,etc
thats y if uh use more make up or skincare product on ur face then do cleanse ur face properly everyday.
so that not a single residue of any make up product leaves on ur face n uh won't get any bumps on ur face.
so to get rid of these tiny pores m going to share with u a magical
so lets start making this pack , for this uh need:


now take a glass bowl n add all the ingredients to it and mix it well , ur tiny bump removing pack is ready.
so now i vil tell uh how to use this"
firstly wash ur face with a organic mild face cleanser
now take this pack n wherever ur tiny bumps r there , just apply this there only.
remember do not rub this hardly on ur face
just apply it nicely.
i have applied this on my whole face so that it makes my whole skin glowy.
leave it for 10 minutes n then wash ur face with normal water.
after this take ice cube i used rose water ice cube n if uh want uh can use cucumber juice ice cubes too
it is very perfect toner.
if uh want to make ice cubes of rose water n cucumber then extract its juice n freeze it to get desired ice cubes .
now rub this rose water ice cube to ur face, icing makes our skin glowy coz it enhances blood circulation and it tightens the pores too.
now wipe ur face after this
n afterthis apply a gud oil free moisturiser to ur face.
remember to use oil free moisturiser which is non comedogenic, oil free and alcohol free .
for best results do this treatment daily. with regular use of this within a week ur skin texture will become even out.
do not poke ur breakouts or bumps ever.
after using any make up or sunscreen wash ur face properly with a mild cleanser.
avoid dairy products if ur skin is prone to breakouts , pimples or acne.
becoz these r worst for our breakouts n pimples.
avoid sweets, chutneys , oily food , sweetners , chewng gums totally coz it increases our blood sugar level
n in turn sebum n oils are also increased which gives our skin blackheads , pimples , acne n break outs.

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