how to grow your beard longer thicker and naturally

you guys some of the myths as well as
some of the things that you need to
consider as a beginner as well as when
you started progressing your beard and
basically having it grow to good length
and everything like that now I always
say if you can't see your beard when you
look down basically from your eyes down
to your beard then you really don't have
a beer you only have facial hair you're
not saying you got to get that out to
mind said I know you guys would be so
quick and excited to have some kind of
facial hair but if you don't if you
can't see your beard from you from your
eye level then you ain't gotta be you
know saying I hate to break it to you
but with that being said the first thing
that I was told when it comes to growing
a beard is simply that if you cut your
beard hair often it'll grow and faster
it'll grow in more evening it'll grow in
victory in a growing mom but you're not
saying I'm here to tell you that that is
bogus information when everybody comes
to growing a beard it's face it already
within the tire
you have to let it grow now I personally
work in corporate America and one thing
that I noticed is in corporate America
beers are kind of looked down upon
because is this in people's psyche they
tend to think that you come off more
aggressive than other people who are
clean-shaven just because of the
stereotype that people typically have
work or they'd like to call it the
unconscious bias you're not saying and
then people would have if they see you
with a beard and I'm definitely
experienced it people will literally
tell me like why do you still have a
beard you know like or your attitude
comes across is you don't care or above
life and I'm looking at them amazed
because I'm like I'm doing the same job
with the beard or even when I didn't
have a baby I'm doing the same thing I'm
performing it it can be given the same
level you know Samsung is crazy in 2018
is something you gotta consider but I
say that to say if you want to start
growing a beard and if you work in
corporate America one of the best songs
you can probably take advantage of this
is during no-shave November now if
you're like myself you don't really care
about other people's opinions you can
grow any time you want but the reason
why I say no shake no member is simply
because at that time period when you
first start growing your beard is not
gonna grow in full and even you know I'm
saying and this is your first time
trying to grow a beard it's gonna come
in and patchy you may only grow some
hairs at the bottom right here you make
Muslim heads at the top you may only get
some housing and chinny chin chin you
know I'm saying so with that being said
no shame no bigger gives you an excuse
when people start asking you questions
like hey like so what are you doing with
your facial hair I see you doing
something new they let it come with a
little slick little comments like oh I
see you have a shave in a while that's
basically them saying you need to shave
it but for me I love my beard and one of
the reasons why I grew up was because of
religious reasons you know I'm saying I
want to get to two months and today but
that's one of the first things that you
can try to do if you work in corporate
America and you want to try to grow a
beard is you basically try to grow it
through no-shave November you know I'm
saying so after you get past the first
myth of of trimming and all that stuff I
mention I may grow faster now the next
myth or it probably isn't really a myth
but it's some kind of bogus information
that people put out there because then
they say is all due to genetics the
reason why I say that Smith is because
some people will say oh man nobody
nothing is gonna be a little blood but
unless you ask that person have they
tried to grow a beard most likely most
people in your family never attempted to
grow a beard and you thinking in your
mind that you can't grow a beard because
of your family history but the reality
is you've got to give your beard at
least one month to three months to be
able to grow to see if you have the
potential to grow whenever it comes to
genetics genetics determine if you can
grow a beard as well as what areas on
your face your beard will come in first
as well as what parts on your face your
beard will grow and fast you know I'm
saying as you guys can see with my
mustache area it doesn't connect right
here now I could connect it if I wanted
to but because of my genetics it grows
very slow in this in this region you
know I'm saying with the hair on my chin
strap grows in a very fast and it as it
goes higher and higher it grows in a
very slow in just like an you go to the
barber shop and you get a line up you
have a natural hair line you also have a
natural beard line based off of your
genetics you know I'm saying so with
that being said if I wanted to I could a
lot is to grow but personally I don't
like the stache you're not saying this
is not a knock to anybody that rocks
mustaches but when I write them it just
makes me it just gives off the petal
Bob's you know saying hey I ain't trying
to go down that road you know I said
when I don't have as much dance and I
don't have a beard
people think I'm a little boy I can't go
nowhere without getting carded or people
I remember one time I tried to check
into a hotel and it was like wait
appearance' I might do it I'm a
grown-ass man I like so that's one
reason why I grew a beard as well as my
own personal beliefs but when it comes
to genetics that's the things that you
got to keep in mind you know I'm saying
genetics only determinate you can't grow
a beard as well as the areas on your
face that your beard will grow in the
fastest you know I'm saying so with that
being said the next things I want to get
into is some tips for beginners because
when you first start growing your beard
you cannot avoid the beard itch
do you know why
now when it comes to the beer is the
beer is just something that affects all
men but one thing that I've noticed
especially by talking to other black men
like myself is because I have grows in a
very kinky coily or curly or whatever
you want to say if you do not keep your
face condition or oiled when you first
start try to go grow your beard that
beard itch is gonna suck because what's
gonna happen is it's like the example of
two plaits you know I'm saying that
causes earthquakes basically this is
your hamstring and this is your face if
your house trying to grow out what's
gonna happen is is rubbing against your
skin trying to penetrate through the
surface level of your skin in the more
and more it moves if it's dry you might
condition it everything I think is gonna
cause a lot of itching and everything
you know so what you need to do is make
sure that you keep your face as well as
your your hair moisturize and condition
you know I'm saying that's one reason of
my beard oil is very great for this now
another reason why it causes the itching
is because my disable a black man when
your hands trying to grow because your
hair is coming out and all the different
operations and curling up is gonna cause
a lot more irritation and they can also
lead to the razor bumps and all that
stuff like this so that's one reason why
you want to try to avoid cutting your
hair frequently because if you don't do
it right you'll get all of these razor
bumps in your face and you'll be looking
like a nationally crunch bar you're not
saying we don't want them now when it
comes to old you can use different kind
of oils I personally recommend castor
oil you can use wild growth oils and
things like that I I don't always
recommend those because when you put
them on your face they fit most growth
products think you know I'm saying and
if you have something on your face
people can smell it when they walk by
you and all that is this not a good look
but one of my personal favorite products
is the lesion sauce or you know I'm
saying I'll make sure I'll put a link
down in my description below all the
words that I mentioned where you can buy
them in everything but the reason why I
like the laser sauce oil is because it's
unscented you know I'm saying so
whenever I apply it on my face in
conditions my face I can use it on all
of my face I can use it in my hair can
use it on my beard everything like that
and the price point is very reasonable
you know I'm saying now the next thing I
want to say is after being starts to
grow longer which you're gonna have to
do is start using products that actually
condition your beard you know I'm saying
the the Werner products that love is the
shape horses vote for uh city leave in
the tangler you know said that parting
is amazing I have low porosity hair and
the same thing with my beard I actually
get more benefits by using their product
on my beard you know so with that being
said I love that product but then I also
recommend you get like a moisture
product the product I personally love
using is the diva moisture cream I'll do
a product review in the future when I go
through my whole entire routine and
everything like that but I love that
product because it smells great it gives
my beard the moisture that it needs it
makes it soft and it makes it easy to
detangle now as a beginner I also
recommend that you get either a be
aggressive even brush your face to help
stimulate and promote hair growth you
know understand and at the same time
will training your hair but as your
beard function grow longer you I also
recommend that you get a beard comb now
the reason why I say a comb is because
the comb will help detangling your hair
and like I said there's black men when
your hair starts getting curly and stuff
like it is harder for the natural oils
the sebum to actually distribute through
your through your hair strands so a comb
with a detangle your hair and it'll also
help distribute those natural oils
throughout your face as one of the
products that you put on your face you
know I'm Sam now when it comes to the
products I always recommend you put the
oil on your face in the morning time as
well as after you shower before you go
to sleep the main reason why is because
when you go into the shower what's gonna
happen is even if you know you're not
supposed to watch your bed every single
day but when you hop in the shower the
water is gonna really solve any of the
parties that you have in your face and
sometimes if you sweat you want to like
kind of watch it watch your build a
little bit you know I'm saying probably
want to use a co-wash or whatever but
that's the reason why I recommend using
the oil in the in the morning time as
well as before you go to sleep another
reason why I recommend doing it at
nighttime is because before you go to
depending on how you sleep your beer may
trip across your pillow and everything
like this so in the morning time you
have to apply that product again you
know I'm saying so the biggest thing to
keep in mind is you want to try to keep
your beard as moisturizing as possible
because when it comes to your hair as a
low price seed waiver I can put my
products in my hair and go on Prunty for
3 fo days maybe even a week and I have
to worry about it but when it cuts on my
beard I have to put products on my beard
every single day at least twice a day
you know I'm saying now one thing that
you would notice is as your beard grows
longer what was gonna
it is your face is gonna start itching
more because the longer your beard hair
gets the more nutrients in in things
that is gonna try to drop from your skin
and if you're not supplementing it with
with products like better then it's
gonna suck man your face is gonna get
itchy is gonna is gonna hurt and empty
like this is gonna get dry flake up and
all that you don't want that to happen
now when it comes to cones you can use
any kind of comb that you want but when
it comes to black men and everything I
recommend that you get a wide toothed
comb you can even use a plastic comb or
wooden comb .

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